diaTracer download tool

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1.1.5 Latest version6708
Information (required):

diaTracer software is available freely for academic research, non-commercial or educational purposes under academic license. Commercial use of any kind under the terms of the academic licenses is strictly prohibited. Any commercial entity requires a separately executed license from the University of Michigan Office of Technology Transfer (Drew Bennett, andbenne@umich.edu). For questions, you may also contact Prof. Alexey Nesvizhskii (nesvi@med.umich.edu).

I have read the academic license. I understand that this license provides with a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the diaTracer solely for academic research, non-commercial or educational purposes within the licensee’s department. If I am a non-academic user, I will contact the University of Michigan Office of Technology Transfer (Drew Bennett, andbenne@umich.edu) to obtain a commercial license to use diaTracer.

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